Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AddThis Analytics and Enabling Clickbacks in your Blogger Blog

I received my first AddThis Analytics Report by e-mail, shown below somewhat compacted for space considerations:

It also showed that StumbleUpon was used by someone in the United States to share this post.

There were no clickbacks. If someone shares my blog post using any of the AddThis buttons, and the recipient visits my site as a result, it’s counted as one clickback. On the chart, it said, “Important: This feature must be enabled.” I had checked the box Enable clickback analysis at the very beginning, but clicked About clickbacks for more information. It said that certain code had to be included, and “addthis_config” must only appear once in the code, but it didn’t define exactly where to place this new code:
This code wasn’t anywhere in my blog’s AddThis code. Hmmmm. So I signed into Blogger and went to Design, Edit HTML. I know I already have a copy of my latest template from a few days ago, but just to be sure, I downloaded the template before proceeding. Expand Widget Templates and found the AddThis code. It made the most sense to me to add this code at the end of the code for the AddThis set of buttons, but before the last bit of code at the end of the entire section. This time, I typed the Begin and End comment lines first, and pasted the code into a line between the two. Here’s the new code and where I placed it within the AddThis code:

Note: You may wish to review the previous post, AddThis Analytics for Share Buttons in your Blogger Blog, for more context in code placement.

I previewed the blog, and everything was working properly: AddThis share buttons were in place and the text of each post had not been removed. I don’t know why the initial checkmark for Enable clickback analysis didn’t add the code, but is should work properly now.

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